Continuous School Improvement Plan
Frederick County Public Schools is dedicated to continuous improvement. Our school principals lead efforts to plan, implement, and review their goals, using a variety of data to make sure we’re always moving in the right direction. School and division plans are monitored for progress and updated quarterly to support our commitment to our students and their families.
This information keeps families informed about our progress and the status of school goals. You’ll find updates and insights as we work together to improve student learning and school performance.
School Profile Information
School: Stonewall Elementary School
Principal: Mark Weisbrod
Enrollment: 378
School Vision Statement
We strive to become a school that will:
- focus on the academic, social, emotional and physical growth of every student
- provide early intervention, remediation and enrichment for students when needed
- embrace and encourage change based on global demands
- foster core values and tolerance
- value the community's resources as essential parts of the learning environment
- create a safe environment and maintain trust between home and school through public relations and effective communication
School Mission Statement
We exist to:
- provide opportunities for students to become independent thinkers
- instruct and challenge students to use a variety of techniques to meet their individual needs, reach their academic potential and build strong values
- consistently evaluate student strengths and weaknesses and plan instruction according to students’ needs through intervention, remediation and enrichment
Goal #1
Tier I instructional practices: By June 2025, there will be an increase of 10% of students meeting grade level expectations as evidenced by identified measures.
- Science: By June of 2025, 100% of teachers will consistently implement high-quality science instruction, including Scientific and Engineering Practices, using adopted resources, as evidenced by lesson plans and data from SCOT tool observations.
- Math: By June 2026, 80% of students in K-5 classrooms will be in Tier 1 (or grade level proficiency) as evidenced by VKRP, iReady, and SOL test data.
- English:
- By May 2025, 75% of K-2 students will be identified in the low to moderate-risk bands as measured by the spring VALLS assessment.
- By May 2025, there will be a 10% increase of 3-5 students who pass the SOL on the initial test (including expedited retakes).
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track | All Staff participated in Professional Development on September 21 related to instructional practices and standards in Literacy, Math and Science. Each school wide committee has met monthly with agenda and outcomes shared with all staff to discuss instructional classroom expectations. Walk-throughs commenced on September 9, with 54 learning walks conducted in math and literacy, while science walks are set to begin soon. Participation has included all grade level teachers, specialists, ML teachers, coaches, and administrators. Teams are actively reflecting on their experiences, and data collections. As a result of the learning walks, we have consistently seen effective use of resources, instructional time, resources modeled, and effective use of support staff in literacy. Student engagement is an area of strength in Math with growth opportunities in student ownership and asking questions. In Science, students are showing strength in evaluating and communicating information in verbal or written form through science notebooks. However, data indicates student support with asking questions to drive learning. |
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Goal #2
By the end of the 2024-2025 academic year, SES will improve teacher satisfaction scores related to support and collaboration by 10% on the staff Collective Teacher Efficacy survey. This will be achieved through the implementation of targeted professional development, structured collaborative planning, coaching, and feedback mechanisms to elevate teacher voice.
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track | PLC’s are occurring weekly with Math, Science and Literacy Planning and Professional Learning. Staff have engaged in coaching cycles and bi-monthly check in meetings are ongoing. To end the 1st quarter, staff provided feedback via a survey regarding PLC structures and learning walkthroughs on areas of strength and improvement. All staff have had the opportunity to observe colleagues in different grade levels and to be observed by peers. According to staff feedback, PLC’s are working efficiently with literacy development, curriculum pacing, instructional planning, creating/analyzing common assessments with a team focused approach. Moving forward, scheduling for walkthroughs will consider the classroom teacher’s weekly schedule and considerations for spacing of walkthrough’s. Additionally, scheduling for grade level teachers to observe instruction within their grade level will be incorporated in the schedule. |
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Goal #3
Statement: By May of 2025, Stonewall will have increased opportunities (parental meetings, surveys) for input and
feedback for school-wide initiatives and programs.
Quarter | Status | Progress Narrative |
Q1 | On Track | ML fall family event was held on 9/26 with 64 families in attendance. Families were provided with a feedback survey to support planning for the Spring Event. Title 1 and PBIS family events have been scheduled for 11/7 and 11/11, respectively. To increase participation and awareness, communication with families is being utilized through a variety of mass communication platforms such as Seesaw, Facebook, and Blackboard messaging. Additionally, feedback has guided us to consider time of day for events and transportation needs. |
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For more information about Stonewall Elementary School's Continuous Improvement Plan please join us at our quarterly events or reach out to the school principal.
Quarterly Events
- August 27, 2024
- November 7, 2024
- Remaining dates TBD